By Leather Industries of America An excellent compilation of statistics concerning the U.S. hide, leather, footwear and leather goods industries. Covers production, imports, exports, prices. Monthly as well as annual data. Nearly 100 tables. Published 2002.
A product-by-product marketing analysis and competitor profile for the U.S. footwear industry. Topics covered include: market size & growth; market forecasts; product mix; import penetration; export activity; pricing dynamics; consumer surveys; distribution channels; advertising & promotion; industry economics; competitor profiles.
Published by Footwear Industries of America The most comprehensive statistical study of the footwear industry ever! Covers U.S. market, manufacturing, labor, imports, exports, occupational injury and illness, and more. Includes data on world footwear, production trade and consumption. Published Fall 1998.
A study of production, trade patterns and future trends. Written by UNIDO using industry specialists in their leather and leather products unit and economists in their statistics and sectoral studies branches. A readable and wide ranging account of global trends, microeconomic conditions, corporate strategies and prospects. Published December 1993.