A good basic comprehensive introduction to the footwear manufacturing process. This book examines the anatomy, biometry and biomechanics of the foot, the design and fabrication of the last as well as a discussion of footwear design and styles. The entire manufacturing process is explained from pattern cutting through lasting and making. (114 pages)
Describes the various physical tests and necessary standards developed for the testing of leather, footwear, adhesives and shoe components. Compares various national and interna- tional testing methods. Lists manufacturers of testing equipment. Essential to the quality control department of any tannery, shoe manufacturer, shoe buyer or supplier to these industries. 1996
By Karl C. Adrian Designed to give aspiring Last Model Makers, Shoe Pattern Engineers, Shoe Designer/Stylists, Product Managers, etc., a step-by-step procedurethat will help them to excel in their field. Scalecomparisons - sizing and grading information -basic pattern layout and bottom pattern standards all are presented to widen the horizon ofevery person seriously involved in any facet ofthe footwear industry, including Retail and Cat-alog houses. Much of the information compiled has been proprietary and has never been published.
By Dick Anzelc This book contains the logical steps from last drafting to shell building, and the working of the shell in various constructions. The constru- ctions include flat lasted, lining making, hand- sewn, handlaced, trumocs, portifino, snow boots, Californians, and string lasted. There is also shoe- making and other information which would be helpful to a patternmaker.
The complete guide to footwear adhesives covering latex, neoprene, polyurethane, hot melt and pressure sensitive adhesives. Surface preparation, selection, testing, trouble-shooting and safety are also covered.
By William Rossi and Ross Tenant. The comprehensive, authoritative training manual on the professional level of shoe fitting.160-page hardcover book with 277 illustrations.
Thomas G. Plant rose from the ranks of shoe worker to become one of the largest shoe manufacturers in the world. Along the way he developed revolutionary new policies for worker/management relations, launched an anti-trust battle with United Shoe Machine Co. (1910) and built one of New England's grandest estates, the famous "Castle In The Clouds" which towers above New Hampshire's Lake Winnepesaukee. A real-life Horatio Alger story and a fascinating insight into the U.S. shoe industry in its heyday. (276 pages)
The official centenary history of the British Shoe Machinery Co., this book traces the company's beginning from its U.S. roots, but places special emphasis on its UK deveopments. Packed with photos, it's an interesting keepsake for anyone concerned with the footwear manufacturing and supplier industry.
A collection of the outrageous and bedazzling images of shoes - from spikes to boots to mulesthat are some of Warhol's icon images. Accompanied by witty Warhol quotations these forty drawings, prints, and watercolors demonstrate the Pop master's special talent for transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Pattern Cutting, step-by-step patterns for footwear replaces the Pattern Cutter's Handbook which since 1991 has become the standard textbook on many college and university courses covering footwear all over the English speaking world. The new book covers everything in the earlier book plus much more. Not only are there whole new chapters covering further styles of footwear, there is a chapter on Bottom Patterns, an extended chapter on Grading, and new material dealing with more advanced pattern problems such as a bellows-tongue.
In the past, books on pattern cutting have often reflected the mystique which tends to surround the subject. Pattern Cutting takes a completely different approach. The whole book is written as an easy to use, step-by-step guide to producing patterns for shoemaking, complete with 457 illustrations covering every step of the process. Each major type of footwear has a complete chapter devoted to it. The twelve basic types covered include trainers, basketball boots and an aerobic shoe, as well as more traditional footwear. With each footwear type there is a detailed description of the process with measurements given wherever appropriate. Points to watch for and pitfalls to avoid are spelt out, so as to ensure the reader will stand the best possible chance of producing a workable pattern first time.
An informative book on footwear materials describing their manufacture, how to test them, and what to look for when trouble-shooting factory problems. Both upper and soling materials (leather and manmades) are covered, as are insoles, counter and box toe materials, shanks, needles and threads. (260 pages)
By Jan Pivecka and Siegfried Laure This is a practical handbook designed for shoe designers, range builders and anyone concerned with last design. Extensively illustrated. Topics include foot measurement, shoe lengths and sizing systems, tables of width, manufacturing last models, normalization of shoe lasts, last coordination, most common last faults, and the creation and grading of coordinated insoles.
By Nicholas Brown This book will help you answer these questions in your environment and give a specific exampleof what user-friendly should really mean -"What support should manufacturing begetting?...in short-term planning, cutting, sewing, lasting, packing, etc." - "Will the investment in information pay off?...Only if the system is properly conceived and implemented!" - "What are the strategic implications? - what can your competition do with better information?" - "Is there a way to reduce the risk of failure?...how to eliminate thegamble!" Winter 1989
By William Rossi This in-depth look at the footwear business is written to help readers recognize the exciting opportunities of the shoe business, stimulate store growth and prosperity, and indicate the immense sales potential of footwear, plus related accessories. Topics covered include: A ShortHistory of American Shoe Retailing; Store Operations; Inventory; Buying and Budgeting; Advertising and Prom-otions; Marke- ting and Merchandising; Selling; The Product; Fashion and Footwear; Customer Relations; and VendorRelations. (322 pages)
By H. J. Patrick, F.B.S.I. Over 125 diagrams are utilized in this ''classic'' text on footwear patterns. The author has many years' experience as head of the pattern-cutting and pattern-making department of a world- renowned footwear manufacturer. (134 pages)
This book contains 13 peer-reviewed papers given at a Symposium on "Slips, Stumbles, and Falls - Pedestrian Footwear and Surfaces". Topics discussed include the needs of the elderly, the disabled, the usual pedestrian and on the high forces generated during common athletic maneuvers. The papers provide insights into accurate measurement techniques and the handling of data, and reflect the views of forensic engineers, product liability attorneys and footwear experts.
Offers the designer or line builder an inspiring wealth of suggestions as to how he can upgrade his models (sometimes at quite a low cost) and make them more saleable. The tips are in most cases complemented by illustrations and compr- ise the whole gamut of designing. Flexible PVC Cover. (160 pages)
Contains numerous instructions for the development of the pattern, such as special procedures for last copying, technicaltips for working out the details of the standard, material-savinghints for creating sect- ional patterns, different methods for springing patterns or aids for difficult grading problems. Flexible PVC Cover. (140 pages)