Canada's only directory of footwear, handbag and leathergoods manufacturers, importers and distributors provides footwear retailers with the information they need. Suppliers are listed alph- abetically, as well as by brand name and product category. There is also a calendar of footwear trade fairs with organizers' contact information. Published February 2010
Lists every footwear manufacturing plant inthe United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.In addition to the company name, address,and telephone number, the directory delineates the number of shoes made in that factory within some 30 categories. Also, key personnel, such as president, vice president, sales managers, stylists, superintendents, and buyers of various materials are shown. Other information includes plant output, trade sold, and sales offices. Invaluable to anyone interested either in selling to or buying from the U.S. and Canadian footwear industries.
This source book is a powerful tool for anyone dealing with leather. The Leather Manufacturer Directory lists U.S. and Canadian tanners, finishersand hide processors, showing personnel and type ofleather made. Their suppliers are also listed - over 300 companies classified by their goods and services Published 2008.
Lists the suppliers to the American footwear and related industries, classified according to goods and services. Over 600 companies are listed with more than 400 classifications. This is an invaluable source book for anyone connected with footwear or other leathergoods manufacturers. Includes hundreds of industry web sites and e-mail addresses! Published 2008